Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science
Power to Women Corporate Self Defense researched police statistics from the National Crime Records Bureau (NDRB) which revealed that obselete martial arts tricks / stunts do not deter actual crimes. For the Corporate Self Defense workshop, Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph (a.k.a. Dr. Safety), with two decades of award-winning combat and street experience, has merged advanced tactics using Reflex Instinct-based Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense, Pro-active Combat Science, and Psychological Skills such as Critical Decisions Making, Guerrilla Hit & Run Deception Strategy, Neuro-Behavioral Crisis Management, Fear Counterinsurgency, Pro-Failure Conversion Technique, Threat Perception, and so on. All corporate executives and employees quickly adopt our warrior mindset, regardless of age, size, strength, age, or fitness factors because the main goal of our workshop is to prevent, avoid, and escape dynamic, panic-stricken, unpredictable crimes involving unknown criminals, known predators, or multiple gangs operating w/o weapons.
Our Workshop Mantra - Power is Knowledge - Make Empowerment Modern, Fun, Real, Fast, Simple, Effective & Scientific.

From Strength to Strength ~ Empowering Girls with a Growth Mindset taught in

What is Latest Statistics by National Crime Records Bureau (NDRB) police data reveal harsh truth: School / College girls need to embrace a new paradigm of education — one that empowers intellectually, physically & emotionally – away from martial arts stunts / tricks. Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, also known as Dr. Safety, is a scientifically designed with over two decades of distinguished combat and street knowledge. Franklin ~ Psychological Empowerment on Critical Decision Life Skill Strategy, Combat Science & Military Tactical Krav Maga Self Defense Wellness Education Workshops for School & College Girls which includes Pro-active Combat Science and Psychological Skills like the Guerrilla Hit & Run Deception Strategy, Neuro-Behavioral Crisis Management, Fear Counterinsurgency, Pro-Failure Conversion Technique, Threat Click to Read

Franklin Joseph Article – ‘Self Defense for Women misleading myths’

Let’s debunks misleading truths about self defense for women by Franklin Joseph – Specialist on Power to Women Workshops who’s core principal is Pro-Active Women Safety Awareness, Realistic + Scientific Self Defense for Women and Psychological Empowerment against Crime, Violence and Sexual Abuse Usually in a self defense for women sessions, we just teach punching & kicking. But the fear of attack from a man can really mess with one ability to distinguish between a non-lethal threat or a lethal threat. In a corporate environment, such blind approach of punch to solve problems in women self defense workshop might only lead to gender gap affecting work-ethics and hurt the team spirit. Self Defense for Women are now reduced to tricks Click to Read

Franklin Joseph Article – Buy Ninja Kubaton Pocket Stick Women Self Defense Tools

Call Franklin Joseph at 9886769281 for Ninja Kubaton, a Non-Lethal Self Protection Women Self Defense Tools as violent crime against daughters, old people and corporate staff is on the rise. It doesn’t matter where you live or work; you are at risk of becoming a victim of a violent or intrusive crime. There is no perfect way to defend your self other than to be prepared, which includes appearing confident, having an action plan and having the right tools with which to carry it out. The positive step of buying a self-defense product like Ninja Kubaton is that, it improves your awareness and adds to your reputation of confidence. Most likely, the police won’t be standing nearby when a personal Click to Read

Franklin Joseph Article – ‘Break the Male Dominance even in Women Self Defense’ Part 2

Continued article from our Krav Maga Bangalore Israeli Self Defense Website >> Part 1 [ Krav Maga Bangalore Israeli Self Defense ] Part 1: Franklin Joseph: “Break it: Male Dominance even in Women Self Defense” Part 1 [ Power to Women Safety Empowerment Workshops ] Part 2:Franklin Joseph: “Break the Male Dominance even in Women Self Defense” Part 2 [ Franklin Joseph Blog Article ] Part 3:Franklin Joseph: “Women Self Defense – Male dominance even in safety for Women?” Part 3 As we saw most fighting techniques, any martial arts, most of them use these factors – strength, size, fitness level, stamina or flexibility. Let see how these factors are applicable in three different case studies of women self-defense 5.6″ tall, 56 Click to Read

Franklin Joseph Article – ‘Protect Company’s No. 1 Asset – Female staff’

By Franklin Joseph. Smart companies know they cannot afford to have one of their employees become a victim of violence – on or off the job site. Each player especially female staffs which are on the team are very valuable, and it very important for the company to cater to the well-being of the team as a whole. [] [Post] Most companies take steps to keep their employees safe and healthy through health insurance, wellness programs, and on-the-job safety training through women self-defense workshops. It’s not just the right thing to do, it’s good business to keep your employees happy and healthy. Door to door pickup, Free coupons or lunch, Holidays perks etc are now a normal thing in any corporate. The Click to Read

Franklin Joseph Article – “Woman empowerment – psychologically & physically”

Franklin Joseph ‘’ workshops empowers the women to look inside a find the strength of a tiger irrespective of her actual size, strength and age. Not just for threats against her but also to become and better human being, increasing productively, better decision making while handling stress and focus on positive solution even when fear and insecurity of our past freezes us. I do not see ‘’ as just teaching women self defense or martial arts. I am a social entrepreneur, who want to specialize a wellness program catering to girl child at school level, young women at college level and women at corporate or club level. My workshops have been painfully crafted by years of trial and error, plus Click to Read

Franklin Joseph Article – “Sexual harassment, blame it on victim’s modern clothes?”

Are Women only sex objects? In our ‘’ workshops, we try to reach the core issues of this problem. Basic crude fact is that most of us men love to look and imagine other women as sluts or sexual objects. No matter it’s a jean, a top, a sari or a burka… We have always had the roving eye for sex and equate it with women mostly. Newspapers, Magazines, Music videos, movies all know this fact. That why a half or fully naked women is so acceptable in our modern society does not matter whether its a shoe advert showing women posterior or selling a bike with a sexy girl sitting behind you or a new song with bikini white Click to Read

Franklin Joseph Article – “Beware of the bull being sold in the name of Women Self Defense” Part 2

I have read many many articles of Women Self Defense. It’s so interesting what martial artist are selling now-a-days in the name of Women Self Defense. Pardon my french, Bullshit! Let me share some thoughts. I truly feel women especially need to be educated and smart enough to see what is best self defense system out there that will ACTUALLY prevent, avoid, defend and escape you from harms way just because they cannot match the strength, size and fitness level of the male attacker. [ Krav Maga Bangalore Israeli Self Defense ] Part 1: Franklin Joseph: “Women Self Defense: Beware of the crap being sold” [ Power to Women Safety Empowerment Workshops ] Part 2: Franklin Joseph: “Beware of the bull being sold Click to Read

Franklin Joseph Article – “10 reasons to include self defense in your corporate wellness program”

Proactive, forward-thinking companies do what is necessary to ensure that employees are mentally, emotionally and physically healthy. These companies understand that by providing employees with benefits like wellness programs, insurance, training/education, and more, they are investing in their own future as a company. A new trend in Corporate Wellness is in-house self-defense or safety awareness seminars like ‘’. These seminars teach important life-saving skills and are quickly become regular occurances in many organizations’ wellness programs. Here are the 10 reasons to include Franklin Joseph ‘Power to’ Self Defense training in your corporate wellness program [] [Post] Other than the primary benefit of teaching your employees to physically defend themselves – there are significant secondary benefits to self-defense training. Empowerment from Click to Read

Franklin Joseph: “Corporate Women Self Defense: How to choose a effective, practical system?”

Few point of consider whenever choosing a women self defense or safety empowerment session Will a women want to fight a violent, bigger and stronger man? Does the women want to be injured during the fight with a skillful opponent? Is the women is prepared to face the consequences after the law and order after the fight? If any of your answer is YES, then this page is not for you. But, if it’s a NO for one or all, then read one. It is a marketing myth that any women can learn how to defense on a one hour or few hours of self defense course. It will make you feel good, but after a short while you will forget most Click to Read

Franklin Joseph “Stop Crime on Women – Protest against Victim Blaming”

Our nice Minister’s, ACP’s and BU heads said women should not wear provocative dress that shows too much skin and they would be blamed if they are raped. But even in a Sari, most of us men are easily seduced. And that devious dress-code Sari is actually very sexy and very provocative. Thus SariWalk is born. [] [Post] We will post soon on the dates and places where such events ‘Stop Crime on Women – Sari Walk Protest’ would take place. For your support or participation, please email “Frank(@)” or call me at +91.9886769281 Photo’s Design:Franklin Joseph [Ad]: Enroll forFranklin Joseph Power to Women Self Defense Workshop on Safety Awareness and Psychological Empowerment / Preparation against Crime, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse and Violence Workshop for Click to Read

Franklin Joseph: “Do you talk about sexual harassment or eve-teasing?”

Interesting, John Abraham showing his ass sells, SRK and sex sells, every actress dancing around in her undergarments sells, but talking about sexual harassment, you must be a pervert!!! [] [Post]: I am trying to promote self defense classes through one of those sites which gives some discount on various products. I wanted to conduct a special class on Sexual harassment and Eve-teasing. Strangely the company marketing guy (A really nice guy!) had a tough time convincing his team to put the words ‘Sexual harassment and Eve-teasing’ in the title. The words “it’s not sell-able“ and “people won’t be attracted to it“ were often used by his team. I have done many workshops with corporates and in one such esteemed place Click to Read

Franklin Joseph ‘What is the Naked Truth about Rape in India?’

Media has been reporting a lot of rape and sexual assault incidents in Delhi, Bangalore and a lot of other places in India. I will be discussing on various issues related to this subject. Whenever I conducted ‘Corporate Women Safety and Psychological Empowerment against Crime, Violence and Sexual Abuse’ seminars, I usually received strange responses on “What is the naked truth about rape in India?” from the women participants. That made me think and motivated me to start this website and ‘Power to Women’ campaign. [] [Post] With these Women Empowerment Seminars, we are here to help you understand all about these crimes in detail. Who does it? why do they do it? what circumstances do they create to commit these? where are these happening?, Click to Read

Franklin Joseph Power to Women Self Defense Awareness Website

Hey people, I am Mr. Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur working for Women Empowerment. I am also a Krav Maga Israeli Self Defence instructor in Bangalore. Along-with Mrs. Ottilie Anban Kumar who is a Psychological Counsellor, past life regression therapist, life Coach and a motivational Speaker I’ve created Power to Women. [] [Post] We organize workshops on Women Empowerment, Holistic personality development, Crime and Safety, Anti-Eve-Teasing, Rape, Sexual Harassment, Stress management for Schools, Colleges and Corporates in Hubli-Dharwad, Mysore, Mangalore and Bangalore. Through this website, I would ask everyone to express themselves and share their views and ideas. Join me on my quest to increase awareness and educate ourselves and others for a wiser and better tomorrow. Write your thoughts: We Click to Read

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