Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science
Power to Women Corporate Self Defense researched police statistics from the National Crime Records Bureau (NDRB) which revealed that obselete martial arts tricks / stunts do not deter actual crimes. For the Corporate Self Defense workshop, Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph (a.k.a. Dr. Safety), with two decades of award-winning combat and street experience, has merged advanced tactics using Reflex Instinct-based Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense, Pro-active Combat Science, and Psychological Skills such as Critical Decisions Making, Guerrilla Hit & Run Deception Strategy, Neuro-Behavioral Crisis Management, Fear Counterinsurgency, Pro-Failure Conversion Technique, Threat Perception, and so on. All corporate executives and employees quickly adopt our warrior mindset, regardless of age, size, strength, age, or fitness factors because the main goal of our workshop is to prevent, avoid, and escape dynamic, panic-stricken, unpredictable crimes involving unknown criminals, known predators, or multiple gangs operating w/o weapons.
Our Workshop Mantra - Power is Knowledge - Make Empowerment Modern, Fun, Real, Fast, Simple, Effective & Scientific.

Workshops & Appraisal

Ensuring safety and security across a range of organizations is crucial in the rapid-fire, occasionally unstable world of today. Having the skills necessary to safeguard oneself and others is crucial, whether one is dealing with potential risks in cab travels to being robbed working late in night in the corporate IT sector or preparing for rowdy passengers or terror threats in the aviation industry. This is where corporate self defense workshops, led by specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, come into effect.

Franklin Joseph: 2 Decade Specialist in Krav Maga

Renowned for his proficiency in Krav Maga, Franklin Joseph refined his skills in this useful and efficient self-defense method created for the Israeli military. Franklin Joseph, who has years of experience educating people from a variety of backgrounds, offers a special viewpoint to corporate self-defense workshops. His attention goes beyond basic strategies to tackle problems unique to the sector, making sure participants are prepared to deal with challenges that arise in the real world. [ Read Franklin Joseph Full Profile ]

Corporate Empowerment & Self Defense Workshops

In today’s hectic work environment, where creativity and adaptability are critical for success, self-defense and personal safety are frequently disregarded. Two-decade Krav Maga specialist Franklin Joseph provides thorough self-defense workshops designed especially for business executives. Now, let’s explore the various aspects of self-defence that he covers in his workshops:

Ground Tactics (Without Weapons) Workshop
Provides participants with methods for self-defense on the ground, with an emphasis on gravity and body mechanics.

Ground Tactics (With Weapons) Workshop
Expands the application of ground defense tactics to weapon-related scenarios, emphasizing the efficient disarming and neutralization of threats.

Anti-Knife Based Threats Workshop
Outlines strategies for fending off knife attacks, with a focus on fast reflexes and swift action to prevent damage.

Anti-Hostage Situation Workshop
educate participants in hostage-taking protocols and strategies that increase their chances of escaping alive.

Bomb Blast Emergency Workshop
Knowledge about crowd control & stampede survival techniques, evacuation protocols, and response strategies for emergencies involving bomb blasts.

Anti-Shootout Workshop
Equips people the tools they need to respond effectively to active shooter scenarios by focusing on sheltering and evacuation methods.

Ex-Pat Foreigners Self-Protection Workshop
Addresses the particular safety issues faced by foreigners, providing useful advice on how to safely navigate unfamiliar regions or cultural response.

Solo-Travellers Protection Workshop
Empowers travellers who are solo or independent that are capable of self-defence and situation awareness to safely negotiate possible travel hazards.

Anti-Stress / Anti-Anger Management Workshop
Integrates incorporating stress and anger management strategies into education in self-defense might help students become more emotionally resilient under duress.

Neuro-Behavioral Reprogram / Critical Decision Skills Workshop
Educates participants to use neurobehavioural concepts for maximum performance to make rapid, logical judgements under pressure.

Transit Protection Workshop
Provides techniques to improve safety when using a car, taxi, auto, or bus, such as defensive manoeuvres dependent on the vehicle and situational awareness exercises.

Anti-Robbery / Mugging Defense Workshop
Emphasises awareness and proactive action while arming people with tactics to prevent and defend against muggings and street robberies.

Road Rage Protection Workshop
Teaches dispute mediation and de-escalation tactics to lessen the likelihood of events involving road rage in & around car / cab/ auto & buses.

Family Protection Workshop
Inflate education on self-defence to family members in order to promote a culture of preparedness and safety in the domestic environment.

Anti-Bar Fight Protection Workshop
Provides useful strategies for preventing and solving possible conflicts in hostel or nightclub environments, emphasising avoidance wherever appropriate.

VIP Protection Workshop
Tailors strategies for family oriented self-defense to shield close ones from harm, such as parents, spouses, and kids.

Anti-Abuse Kidnap Protection Workshop
Empowers the particular concerns connected to kidnapping and abuse of children, providing guidelines for response and preventative actions.

Sexual Harassment Diffusion Techniques Workshop
Equips people with the knowledge based confidence and boundary-setting abilities they need to effectively identify and overcome sexual harassment incidents.

Defense Against Firearms Workshop
Offers thorough instruction on gun defense, with a focus on escape, disarmament, and survival, for both handguns and rifles.

Defence Against Long Edged Weapons Workshop
Prioritises deflection and disarming while teaching methods that eliminate the dangers posed by swords, machetes, and other long-bladed weapons.

Anti-Stick, Bat, or Lathi Defense Workshop
Offers tactical & psychological emphasis to escape and counterattacks as a practical means of defending against sharp (knife) weapon attacks.

Anti-Rape Defense Workshop
Offers specific instruction in self-defense and rape prevention strategies designed to stop assault attempts and help victims make a safe getaway.

Anti-Kidnap Defence Workshop
Supplies people with escape routes and abduction avoidance tactics for preventing kidnapping attempts.

Security QRT / Escort Protection Workshop
Teaches escorts and security personnel defensive techniques and safety procedures to properly protect themselves and of course their clients.

Multiple Gang / Mob Attack Defense Workshop
Trains people to deal with many attackers or mob attacks by putting a focus on situation awareness and strategic positioning.

Duct-Tape Hostage Escape Workshop
Provides methods for escaping shackles like zip ties or duct tape, enabling people to get away from illegal confinement.

Ninja Kubaton Defense Workshop
Introduces the use of kubatons and other small improvised weapons for self-defense in close contact situations.

Daily Objects Defense Workshop
Highlights the way everyday items like newspapers, magazines, and umbrellas can be used for self-defence in an emergency.

Senior Citizen / Physical Challenged Person Protection Workshop
Focuses on the special risk factors that older adults as well as Physical Challanged Persons have and offers specialised self-defense techniques to improve their safety and wellbeing.

Kids / Teens Confidence & Defense Skills Workshop
Instils kids and teenagers age-appropriate self-defense techniques that build their confidence and resilience while encouraging assertiveness and setting boundaries.

Combat Fitness Workshop
Integrates combat training and physical conditioning to improve general stamina, agility, and endurance, strengthening participants’ capacity for self-defense.

Industry-Specific Empowerment & Self-Defense Workshops

Foreigners Working in India | Hotel Industry | Airline Industry | Service Industry | IT industry | Police & QRT Teams

Foreigners Working in India
Foreigners living in India may run across unexpected circumstances and possible dangers. Their safety in India can be ensured by Franklin Joseph‘s programs, which equip participants with environment-specific, practical self-defense skills. The psychological strategies imparted here aid in situational awareness development, situational adaptation, and the successful de-escalation of hostile circumstances.

Hotel Industry
Hotel employees need to be ready for a variety of security challenges, from dealing with knife threats to training for possible shoot-outs comparable to the terrorist events on September 26, 2001. The courses run by Franklin Joseph provide specific training to provide hotel staff the know-how to handle emergencies with elegance. Through Franklin Joseph‘s courses, they will learn how to handle stressful circumstances, resolve issues diplomatically, and deal with emergencies — including those with active shooters — effectively. It takes psychological resilience training to be calm in the face of chaos and take quick, calculated steps.

Airline Industry
From controlling rowdy passengers to possible terrorist threats, ground crew, air hostesses, and pilots face particular security risks. Franklin Joseph ensures that airline professionals are equipped to manage problems on the ground as well as in the air with his seminars / workshops, which centre on practical self-defense and danger assessment. Here, psychological skills are crucial because they enable crew members to remain composed, communicative, and in control during stressful situations, protecting both passengers and crew.

Service Industry
Workers in this field need extensive training in crisis management and self-defense due to their customer-facing positions and emergency evacuation protocols. In order to guarantee that employees are ready for any eventuality, Franklin Joseph‘s workshops include a variety of scenarios, such as emergency evacuations and stampedes. Employees who receive psychological resilience training are better equipped to handle stressful situations with confidence, follow to procedures with efficiency, and potentially save lives when helping others in need.

IT Industry
When it comes to safeguarding individuals and precious assets, security guards in the IT sector are essential. They receive the training they require from Franklin Joseph‘s workshops to protect property, perform escort duties, and deal with both armed and unarmed attacks. Psychological training improves alertness, judgement, and cooperation, enabling security officers to adapt to threats and guarantee the security of people and property.

Police and QRT Teams
Weapon-based self-defense and combat fitness are essential for police enforcement and quick reaction teams. The workshops run by Franklin Joseph provide intense instruction in weapon handling, close quarters fighting, and tactical tactics. Psychological resilience training helps people develop the warrior mindset, confidence, and focus necessary to handle high-risk situations with endurance and perseverance.

For any sector-specific customization of self-defence tactics and scenario-based training, do not hesitate to contact us at 9886769281. These training programs enable professionals to defend themselves and others by teaching them effective self-defense and crisis management tactics. This promotes a safer working environment in a variety of industries. By funding these training, employers can reduce hazards while simultaneously empowering staff members with a sense of preparedness and confidence, which enhances workplace safety and security in general.

Survey & Assessment of Women Personals / Staff

In today’s society, ensuring the safety and security of women in various industries is paramount. Whether it’s in the IT sector, airlines, hospitality, or law enforcement, women face unique challenges and safety concerns. To address these issues effectively, it’s crucial to include women’s voices in self-defense surveys and assessments. By listening to the experiences and perspectives of women, especially those from working-class backgrounds, we can gain valuable insights that will elevate women’s safety across industries.

In addition, addressing past trauma, interpersonal conflicts, and offering innovative out-of-the-box support services like those provided by Franklin Joseph can all make a big difference in improving women’s safety and wellbeing in a variety of fields, like law enforcement, IT, aviation, hospitality, and expatriate communities.

Here are several compelling reasons why survey and assessment projects focusing on women’s personal safety, maintenance staff safety, and security personnel are essential:

Diverse Perspectives & Tailored Training
Listening to Women perspectives with different backgrounds and positions like women workers, female security personnel, and women maintenance staff etc., in many professions contribute a variety of viewpoints to truely understand the safety aspects faced by them daily. Women feel more empowered and their experiences are validated when they are given a forum to express their worries and experiences related to safety. The follow-up workshops incorporating these view points or suggestions makes women feel like they belong and motivates them to take an active role in making workplaces safer.
Identifying High-Risk Areas & its Corrective Resolutions
We study criminal mind & prespective. We will use that insite & our expertise to highlight and identify possible hazards and weak points in venue premises or within organisation setup, which results in stronger safety procedures for women. This customized strategy improves overall employee happiness and the effectiveness of safety programs.
Accountability, Compliance & Best Practice
Organizations show their commitment to adhering to gender equality regulations and standards by actively seeking feedback from women. It also makes them responsible for ensuring that all workers have a safe and welcoming workplace. Women’s safety experiences can be surveyed and evaluated to find sector-specific best practices that can be shared and applied in other areas. In order to raise safety standards everywhere, it encourages cooperation and knowledge exchange. Organizations can reap long-term benefits by investing in women’s safety programs through thorough surveys and assessments. These benefits include increased employee retention, productivity, and a reputation as a safe and inclusive workplace.

Finally, Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Power To Women corporate self-defence workshops provide a comprehensive strategy for individual safety by merging realistic methods with psychological resilience and situational awareness. These sessions provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and confidence to properly manage possible hazards, enabling them to safeguard themselves and their loved ones in the ever-changing and unpredictable world of today.


Corporate Workshops Clients


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National Institute Of Technology Trichy Franklin Joseph Krystal Joseph Power To Women Self Defense Workshop 3

National Institute of Technology, Trichy – Women Self Defense Workshop

Specialist in Krav Maga Self Defense Chief Executive Officer of the Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science (IISTACTS) in Dharwad, Guruji Franklin Joseph, displayed his expertise by teaching more than 500 women from a range of backgrounds, including staff and students at the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. Held on September 17 and 18, at the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, this ground-breaking two-day Power To Women Psychological Empowerment & Corporate Self Defense Workshop combined Combat Science, Krav Maga Self Defense Tactics, and Conflict Diffusion Neuro-Behavioral Reprogramming Techniques in a powerful way. The workshop's main goal was to give women the knowledge and abilities they would need to successfully combat predators, both known and unknown. National ...
Power To Women Self Defense in Quadcomm conducted by Specialist Franklin Joseph

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Teaching people how to defend themselves has become more important than ever in the modern world, when worries about safety are constant. Understanding this need, corporate Quadcomm and Franklin Joseph Specialist in Krav Maga Self Defense & CEO of Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science, Dharwad, collaborated to host a ground-breaking corporate session in Bengaluru. In order to address a crucial component of personal safety, the training included innovative techniques of self-defense in and around cars in addition to classic self-defense tactics. Along with that some tactical solution with umbrella was also taught to the women participants. The Israel Defense Forces developed the self-defense method known as Krav Maga, which has achieved international renown for its ...
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Guruji Franklin Joseph, Specialist in Krav Maga Self Defense recently worked with the Titan Group to launch a ground-breaking corporate workshop series in four major Indian cities: Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and Pune. The Power To Women Self Defense workshop series' goal is to promote personal safety and Women Empowerment. The combination with conventional Krav Maga tactics with specialist training in the usage of Ninja Kubaton Self-Defense Mini-Tools — specific self-defense actions designed for those wearing constricting uniform or clothing like saris and salwar kameez was what set these workshop apart. A variety of Krav Maga Self Defense tactics for quickly and effectively neutralizing threats were taught to those who participated. But it was the introduction of Franklin Joseph Ninja Kubaton ...
Press > Dainik Jagran Newspaper ~ Learn the real self defense from Dr. Safety, Franklin Joseph > Power To Women Self Defense Corporate Workshops

Press > Dainik Jagran Newspaper ~ Learn the real self defense from Dr. Safety, Franklin Joseph

Dainik Jagran Newspaper Re-edited for SEO by Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph Press Release Article of Power To Women Self Defense Workshops for Corporates MalleShwaram / Rajajinagar 26 February-04 March 2015 Many people picture self-defense as a kick to the buttocks or a jab in the attacker's eyes from a martial arts perspective. But in reality, self-defense really means doing everything within your power to keep yourself from fighting an aggressor or assailant. The key of self-defense is to trust your gut feeling and not just your hands until your life is in actual danger. Akhila Damodaran A twenty-plus-year-old girl strolls across a desolate parking garage—a scene we have seen in movies. Abruptly, a evil-looking man bursts from behind an auto-mobile ...
/ / abuse victims, Academy, actual danger, adrenaline, aggressor, Akhila Damodaran, Analysis, appearance, approachable, argument, Attacker, attacks, audacious statements, authority, avoid, balance, body language, car, CEO, Chief Instructor, child labor non-profit, child sexual assault, Combat, community, complaint, confidence, constructive solutions, counterattacks, cramped confines, crime, crime prevention, criminals, culture, Dainik Jagran, Dainik Jagran Newspaper, danger, dismissal, emotional, engaging, enjoyable, equal treatment, evil-looking man, family, Founder, Franklin Joseph, Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense Academy, fundamental cause., get away, group of men, Guruji Franklin Joseph, gut feeling, harassment, home, honest, hurt, india, indian culture, Indian Institute, Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science, Intelligence, Israeli military, justice, Karnataka, kicks, known individuals, krav maga, krav maga bangalore, Krav Maga Bangalore Press Article, Krav Maga Bengaluru, Krav Maga Press Article, Krav Maga Press Release, MalleShwaram, martial arts, Medini Bhat, men's perceptions, morality, movie stars, movies, National Crime Records Bureau, Newspaper, Nobel Peace Prize, open, panicked fighters, parking garage, participants, pepper spray, perpetrators, polite, popular media, porn star, powerless, Corporate Self Defense workshops, predator, Press, Press, Press Article, Press Release, Pro-Active tactical solution, productivity, protect, psychological, psychological empowerment, psychological strategies, psychology, punch, punches, quiet, rage, Rajajinagar, rape, recognize, risk, rules, savage, science, self defence, self defense, Self Defense Press Article, Self Defense Press Release, self defense sessions, self-defense techniques, self-respect, sense of self, Sensitive Spot, sex objects, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, short skirts, society, specialist, Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, stereotype, stop, Strategic, street violence, stress management skills, strike, stronger man, Tactical, Tactics, Teacher, teenage idol, threat, transformation, trust, unique, verbal, victim, violence, voice modulation, western society, women psychologists, women self defense, yell
The New Indian Express Newspaper - Dr. Safety who empowers the psyche - Franklin Joseph Feature Article

The New Indian Express – Newspaper – Dr Safety who empowers the psyche

The New Indian Express Newspaper By A Sharadhaa | ENS Guruji Franklin Joseph, Founder & CEO, Indian Institute of Threat-Intelligence Analysis & Combat Tactical Science, Dharwad is known as Dr. Safety to the people whose lives he touched. He attempts to inspire individuals through his safety programs that use psychological empowerment against crime, violence, and sexual abuse—not because he saved them with medicines. "One of my learners gave me the Dr. Safety tag. It is a result of the manner in which I tackle the issue of women's safety. Born into the New Delhi slums and exposed to sexual assault and violence at a young age, Franklin Joseph stated, "I try to empower the psychological aspect of safety much more ...
Power To Women Self Defense in NASSCOM conducted by Specialist Franklin Joseph

NASSCOM – Power to Women Self Defense Corporate Workshop

Under the aegis of Diversity and Inclusion Initiative, NASSCOM is conducting a Women Safety 'Power to Women' Corporate Self Defense Workshops on Anti-Fear Women Safety Awareness, Pro-Active Psychological Empowerment against Crime, Violence, Harassment and Sexual Abuse conducted by specialist Mr. Franklin Joseph 'Dr. Safety'. Women members & participants received practical Krav Maga Self Defense instruction throughout the Power To Women Corporate Self Defense workshop, sharpening self-defense skills customized to their own requirements and situations. Attendees learned useful skills that can potentially save lives, including as escaping from clutches, disarming attackers, and defending against grabs and chokes amongst many other tactical solutions. A mutual commitment to advancing personal safety and empowerment was demonstrated by the workshop partnership between Franklin Joseph Krav Maga Self Defense ...
Art Of Living - Franklin Joseph Power To Women Self Defence Workshop

Art of Living – Power to Women Self Defense Workshop

'Power to Women' workshop was conducted by 'Dr. Safety' Franklin Joseph in Art of Living Center, Kormangala organised by Volunteers for Better India. I reached Art of Center, Kormanagala at the after noon and we started a session a bit late. I am 'Dr. Safety' Franklin Joseph, a Women Safety Empowerment Specialist & a Social Entrepreneur conducting Power to Women Workshop on Women Safety Awareness, Women Psychological Empowerment / Preparation against Crime, Violence, Sexual Abuse or Sexual Harassment specifically designed for Indian School / College / Corporate. Call me, 'Dr. Safety' Franklin Joseph at +91.9886769281 for Power to Women Safety Empowerment Sessions for Corporate, Schools or Colleges. Shameless promotion! Coming back to the workshop, they promoted it as a women ...
Myths - Franklin Joseph Power To Women Self Defence Workshop

Franklin Joseph Article – ‘Self Defense for Women misleading myths’

Let's debunks misleading truths about self defense for women by Franklin Joseph - Specialist on Power to Women Workshops who's core principal is Pro-Active Women Safety Awareness, Realistic + Scientific Self Defense for Women and Psychological Empowerment against Crime, Violence and Sexual Abuse Usually in a self defense for women sessions, we just teach punching & kicking. But the fear of attack from a man can really mess with one ability to distinguish between a non-lethal threat or a lethal threat. In a corporate environment, such blind approach of punch to solve problems in women self defense workshop might only lead to gender gap affecting work-ethics and hurt the team spirit. Self Defense for Women are now reduced to tricks ...
Power To Women Self Defense - Ninja Kubaton Pressure Point Non-Lethal Self Defense Tool. Workshop conducted by Specialist Franklin Joseph.

Franklin Joseph Article – Buy Ninja Kubaton Pocket Stick Women Self Defense Tools

Call Franklin Joseph at 9886769281 for Ninja Kubaton, a Non-Lethal Self Protection Women Self Defense Tools as violent crime against daughters, old people and corporate staff is on the rise. It doesn't matter where you live or work; you are at risk of becoming a victim of a violent or intrusive crime. There is no perfect way to defend your self other than to be prepared, which includes appearing confident, having an action plan and having the right tools with which to carry it out. The positive step of buying a self-defense product like Ninja Kubaton is that, it improves your awareness and adds to your reputation of confidence. Most likely, the police won't be standing nearby when a personal ...
Male dominance even in women self-defence - Franklin Joseph Article

Franklin Joseph Article – ‘Break the Male Dominance even in Women Self Defense’ Part 2

Continued article from our Krav Maga Bangalore Israeli Self Defense Website >> Part 1 [ Krav Maga Bangalore Israeli Self Defense ] Part 1: Franklin Joseph: "Break it: Male Dominance even in Women Self Defense" Part 1 [ Power to Women Safety Empowerment Workshops ] Part 2: Franklin Joseph: "Break the Male Dominance even in Women Self Defense" Part 2 [ Franklin Joseph Blog Article ] Part 3: Franklin Joseph: "Women Self Defense - Male dominance even in safety for Women?" Part 3 As we saw most fighting techniques, any martial arts, most of them use these factors - strength, size, fitness level, stamina or flexibility. Let see how these factors are applicable in three different case studies of women self-defense 5.6" tall, 56 ...
Company Assets: Women - Franklin Joseph Power To Women Self Defence Workshop

Franklin Joseph Article – ‘Protect Company’s No. 1 Asset – Female staff’

By Franklin Joseph. Smart companies know they cannot afford to have one of their employees become a victim of violence - on or off the job site. Each player especially female staffs which are on the team are very valuable, and it very important for the company to cater to the well-being of the team as a whole. [] [Post] Most companies take steps to keep their employees safe and healthy through health insurance, wellness programs, and on-the-job safety training through women self-defense workshops. It's not just the right thing to do, it's good business to keep your employees happy and healthy. Door to door pickup, Free coupons or lunch, Holidays perks etc are now a normal thing in any ...
Corporate Power To Women Self Defence by Franklin Joseph

Franklin Joseph Article – “Woman empowerment – psychologically & physically”

Franklin Joseph '' workshops empowers the women to look inside a find the strength of a tiger irrespective of her actual size, strength and age. Not just for threats against her but also to become and better human being, increasing productively, better decision making while handling stress and focus on positive solution even when fear and insecurity of our past freezes us. I do not see '' as just teaching women self defense or martial arts. I am a social entrepreneur, who want to specialize a wellness program catering to girl child at school level, young women at college level and women at corporate or club level. My workshops have been painfully crafted by years of trial and error, plus ...
Sexual Abuse Article - Franklin Joseph Power To Women Self Defence Workshop

Franklin Joseph Article – “Sexual harassment, blame it on victim’s modern clothes?”

Are Women only sex objects? In our '' workshops, we try to reach the core issues of this problem. Basic crude fact is that most of us men love to look and imagine other women as sluts or sexual objects. No matter it's a jean, a top, a sari or a burka... We have always had the roving eye for sex and equate it with women mostly. Newspapers, Magazines, Music videos, movies all know this fact. That why a half or fully naked women is so acceptable in our modern society does not matter whether its a shoe advert showing women posterior or selling a bike with a sexy girl sitting behind you or a new song with bikini white ...

Bangalore Times – Newspaper – Is India really a safe place for women?

And these images change the way women are being perceived, says Franklin Joseph, who conducts workshops to empower women. "When a family watches a film in which a man beats up a woman, and a father has no issues watching it, the son gets a subconscious message that it's OK for him to commit the same acts. Mothers usually have no say on the matter and the silence is proof of the power of the man," says Franklin. As crimes of sexual harassment continue unabated in the country, we explore why they have become rampant. Times of India newspaper [] [Post] As a 23-year-old media professional walked towards her office on a chilly morning in Bangalore, she came face to face with her assaulter — ...
Women Self Defense

Franklin Joseph Article – “Beware of the bull being sold in the name of Women Self Defense” Part 2

I have read many many articles of Women Self Defense. It's so interesting what martial artist are selling now-a-days in the name of Women Self Defense. Pardon my french, Bullshit! Let me share some thoughts. I truly feel women especially need to be educated and smart enough to see what is best self defense system out there that will ACTUALLY prevent, avoid, defend and escape you from harms way just because they cannot match the strength, size and fitness level of the male attacker. [ Krav Maga Bangalore Israeli Self Defense ] Part 1: Franklin Joseph: "Women Self Defense: Beware of the crap being sold" [ Power to Women Safety Empowerment Workshops ] Part 2: Franklin Joseph: "Beware of the bull being sold ...

About Specialist Franklin Joseph

Franklin Joseph
Social Entrepreneur, C.E.O. & Specialist
Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science
Guruji Franklin Joseph is one of the few people in the self-defense world with a thorough mastery of both fighting science and Krav Maga Self Defense techniques. He is a renowned expert in Israeli military Krav Maga self-defense, having studied the art for more than 20 years. Under the direction of renowned national and international Krav Maga instructors, Guruji Franklin Joseph has refined his skills while immersing himself in the teachings and principles of Krav Maga Self Defense. His persistent pursuit of surpassing the technical components of Krav Maga Self Defense has involved countless hours of research and analysis into a variety of crime scenarios, victim case studies, participant feedback from his workshops, regular academy members, etc.
An Unmatched Specialist
What really sets Guruji Franklin Joseph apart is his unwavering dedication to expanding his knowledge of the field of self-defense and learning new psychological and tactical techniques. He understands that true mastery necessitates a never-ending thirst for knowledge and experimentation—particularly when it comes to increasing the effectiveness of Krav Maga techniques. Because of his warrior mindset, he is able to provide priceless counsel and understanding to anyone wishing to strengthen their capacity for self-defense. You're embarking on a voyage of self-determination with Guruji Franklin Joseph, which will equip you with the mental, physical, and tactical toughness to take on any obstacle in real life, rather than just learning new abilities.
  • Devoted Mentor : An Exclusive, Energetic, and Distinctive Tactical Training Approach for Krav Maga Self Defense for Men, Women, and Children.
  • Dynamic Instructor : Emphasizes stronger underlying psychological foundations for empowering people.
  • Enthusiastic Ambassador : Encouraging self-defense as a means to foster wellness education, particularly for women, girls in schools and colleges, and kids.
A Legacy of Two Decades of Achievement
The community at large has come to know Guruji Franklin Joseph for his many unique psychological skill sets and his persistent commitment to imparting great Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense abilities to others. The dedication of Guruji Franklin Joseph to his profession is demonstrated not only by the depth of his training but also by his un-conventional instructing style, which combines psychological and tactical teaching. Over the course of two decades, he has trained a wide range of people, stressing the universal applicability of Krav Maga Self Defense & additional Psychological Skills as an effective self-defense system. These people have included security professionals, intelligence agents, military personnel, police officers, working professionals i.e., doctors, lawyers, surgeons etc., corporate men & women, school-aged or college-aged youth, etc.
His most noteworthy victories include :
  • Internationally Certified Instructor (Israel).
  • Specialist in Israeli Military Krav Maga Self Defense.
  • Specialist in Women & Kids Safety & Psychological Empowerment Skills.
  • Around 2 decades (20+ years) of professional experience in Self Defense sector.
  • Social Entrepreneur, Founder & C.E.O. – Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science, Dharwad.
  • Worked as an Assistance Instructor at Manesar, Haryana, for the N.S.G. (Black Cat) Anti-Terror Commandos.
  • Served as a Senior Instructor at SVPNPA, Hyderabad, for I.P.S., I.A.S., and I.R.S. probationary officers.
  • Awarded “Best Service” by Luxury Travel Magazine from London, United Kingdom.
  • “Instructor who focuses on both Psychological & Tactical Training” recommendation of Franklin Joseph by Overseas Security Advisory Council, an U.S. Department of State’s Women Safety Report in 2014.
  • For a period of over twenty years, conducted PAN India Corporate Safety & Self Defense Workshops for Men and Women.
  • Integrating in training psychological and tactical features such as Pro-active Combat Science, Guerrilla Hit & Run Deception Strategy, Neuro-Behavioral Crisis Management, Warrior Mindset, Fear Counterinsurgency, Pro-Failure Conversion Technique, Psychological Anti-Stress Conditioning, Critical Decision Life Safety Skills, Pressure Methodology, Pre-Conflict Situational Awareness, Post-Battle Quick Response, Stealth & Evasive Tactics, Emotional & Critical Balance, Verbal Modulation Instructions, Violence De-Escalation Techniques, Crime Radar Deterrence Manoeuvre, Criminal Profiling, Rope & Hammer Combat Fitness, Tyre Bone Rugged Drills, Body & Mind Pain Conditioning, Decrypting Pre-Crime Sequence, Battle Strength Training etc.
  • Guest Lecturer with education institutions like National Institute of Technology (NIT) – Tiruchirappalli,Indian Institute of Management Business (IIM) – Bengaluru, Indian Institute of Management Business (IIM) – Tiruchirappalli, SRM Institute of Science and Technology – Chennai, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management – Bengaluru, Mithibai College – Mumbai, Mount Carmel College – Bengaluru, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce – Mumbai, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology- Mumbai, Kristu Jayanti College – Bengaluru, Christ University – Bengaluru & Jain University – Bengaluru etc. [ Click here Franklin Joseph Clients List ]
  • Awarded honorary plaque by Karnataka Government in the ThinkBig 2016 Women Entrepreneurs Convention Exhibition.
  • Conducted Workshops for Government organisation like Defence Research Development Organization (D.R.D.O.), Israel Consulate General of South India, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Indian Railways, Commissioner of Police Bengaluru, Commissioner of Police Hubballi Dharwad etc. [ Click here Franklin Joseph Clients List ]
  • Corporate Clients include Google, Amazon, Yahoo, ITC Gardenia, TATA Interactive Systems, Infosys, Wipro, NASSCOM, Harman, Larsen & Toubro (L&T), Titan, Times of India, HP, Total, General Electric (GE), Logica, APC, Accenture, Goldman Sacs, DELL, CISCO, Syngene, Procter & Gamble (P&G), Firstsource, 3M, Huawei, ESKO, Citrix, Arvind Mills, Karnataka Congress, Standard Chartered, Karle Builders, Fujitsu, IBIS Hotel etc. [ Click here Franklin Joseph Clients List ]
  • Discussions broadcast on 93.5 FM, All India Radio, and other radio stations.
  • Highlighted Articles in Newspapers like Times of India, Hindustan Times, DNA, Deccan Herald, Deccan Chronicle, Bangalore Mirror, The New Indian Express etc.
  • Featured Articles in Magazines like Tehelka, LiveMint, 080 Bengaluru, TimeOut Bengaluru, Global Post, Bengaluru Pages etc.
Call Franklin Joseph