Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru – Women Self Defense Workshop
Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, CEO, Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science (IISTACTS) conducted a Power To Women Corporate Self Defense Workshop with Psychological Women Empowerment on Warrior Leadership, Stress Resilience and Conflict Management Wellness Training based on Krav Maga Self Defence Tactics in Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bengaluru. Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, CEO of the Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science and founder of Power To Women Corporate Self Defense Workshop with Psychological Women Empowerment on Warrior Leadership, Stress Resilience and Conflict Management Wellness Training, was specifically hired by the prestigious Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bengaluru to lead a transformative women’s self-defense workshop with the goal of empowering more than thirty women in attendance. Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph was cordially received upon his arrival at the institute and shown into the main auditorium, where the audience was waiting excitedly for the workshop to begin. The audience was evidently nervous and prepared for the informative session that was about to take place as the thirty or more woman attendees slowly trickled in. Affectionately referred to as “Dr. Safety,” he captured the attention of the audience from the outset by exposing the disturbing facts of…