Last updated on August 29th, 2020 at 07:44 am
Media has been reporting a lot of rape and sexual assault incidents in Delhi, Bangalore and a lot of other places in India. I will be discussing on various issues related to this subject. Whenever I conducted ‘Corporate Women Safety and Psychological Empowerment against Crime, Violence and Sexual Abuse’ seminars, I usually received strange responses on “What is the naked truth about rape in India?” from the women participants. That made me think and motivated me to start this website and ‘Power to Women’ campaign.
[] [Post] With these Women Empowerment Seminars, we are here to help you understand all about these crimes in detail. Who does it? why do they do it? what circumstances do they create to commit these? where are these happening?, etc.
By the way everything I express on this website are my personal opinions based on my research. Please do not disguise it with anything religious or political. I am open to constructive criticism and suggestions.
We want to publish various articles, quotes, personal viewpoints etc. So please join up as an author and send in anything that can help empower women. My email is ‘Frank(@)’ or call me at 9886769281 (Bangalore)
PhotoRe-Design:Franklin Joseph
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