Last updated on February 5th, 2015 at 08:29 am
Interesting, John Abraham showing his ass sells, SRK and sex sells, every actress dancing around in her undergarments sells, but talking about sexual harassment, you must be a pervert!!!
[] [Post]: I am trying to promote self defense classes through one of those sites which gives some discount on various products. I wanted to conduct a special class on Sexual harassment and Eve-teasing. Strangely the company marketing guy (A really nice guy!) had a tough time convincing his team to put the words ‘Sexual harassment and Eve-teasing’ in the title. The words “it’s not sell-able“ and “people won’t be attracted to it“ were often used by his team.
I have done many workshops with corporates and in one such esteemed place i experienced the following :
Manager : “Do not teach the girl’s anything that might harm anybody”
Frank : “What happens when the girls are in the danger zone?”
Manager : “I am more worried about what will happen when they hit someone after learning martial arts. So please as per our company policy, just teach them how to prevent, avoid and escape.”
Strange this is 2011 and still lot of people think like this especially those in positions where they can make a difference.
‘’ Women Empowerment campaign has been started to fight against all this and more.
What happens when we stop people from talking about such crimes? Definitely the crimes won’t stop but their ignorance increases.Let me share with you a couple of instances to prove my point.
[pullquote]Martial rape? I do not believe a man can do that, it’s his right to ask for sex and our duty to oblige.[/pullquote]
This is what some women said in my sessions.
Lady 1 – Does the man remove the clothes one by one when he is raping ?
Lady 2 – Martial rape? I do not believe a man can do that, it’s his right to ask for sex and our duty to oblige. (Many women in many workshops voice the same opinion when it comes to marital rape)
Lady 3 – What is the point of talking about this as we all know men only want one thing and we have to live with that.
Lady 4 – I don’t think i will ever be in a situation where I may be raped.
They are all smart, well-educated women working in good positions in well-known companies. I am not here to judge them.It just upsets me when I experience such high levels of ignorance or denial most people have on these issues.
PhotoRe-Design:Franklin Joseph
Enroll forFranklin Joseph Power to Women Corporate Women Safety Awareness and Psychological Empowerment against Crime, Sexual Abuse and Violence Workshop
Enroll your children forFranklin Joseph Power to Kids School and College Safety Awareness and Psychological Empowerment against Crime, Abuse and Violence Workshop