Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science
Franklin Joseph 'Power To Women' Corporate Self Defense Workshops with Psychological Women Empowerment on Warrior Leadership, Stress Resilience and Conflict Management Wellness Training researched police statistics from the National Crime Records Bureau (NDRB) which revealed that obsolete martial arts tricks / stunts do not deter actual crimes. For the Corporate Self Defense workshop, Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph (a.k.a. Dr. Safety), with two decades of award-winning combat and street experience, has merged advanced tactics using Reflex Instinct-based Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense, Pro-active Combat Science, and Psychological Resilience Skills such as Critical Decisions Making, Guerrilla Hit & Run Deception Strategy, Neuro-Behavioral Crisis Management, Fear Counterinsurgency, Pro-Failure Conversion Technique, Threat Perception, and so on. All corporate executives and employees quickly adopt our warrior mindset, regardless of age, size, strength, age, or fitness factors because the main goal of our workshop is to prevent, avoid, and escape dynamic, panic-stricken, unpredictable crimes involving unknown criminals, known predators, or multiple gangs operating w/o weapons.
Our Workshop Mantra - Power is Knowledge - Make Empowerment Modern, Fun, Real, Fast, Simple, Effective & Scientific.

Franklin Joseph Article > Buy Ninja Kubaton Pocket Stick Women Self Defense Tools

Article written by Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph. Safety Specialist Guruji Franklin Joseph, a Social Entrepreneur established Franklin Joseph Power To Women Corporate Self Defense Workshop with Psychological Women Empowerment on Warrior Leadership, Stress Resilience and Conflict Management Wellness Training, where he currently serves as Founder. Along with being its CEO, Guruji Franklin Joseph (alias ‘Dr. Safety’) leads the Indian Institute of Strategic Threat-Intelligence Analysis and Combat Tactical Science. Call Franklin Joseph at 9886769281 for Ninja Kubaton, a Non-Lethal Self Protection Women Self Defense Tools as violent crime against daughters, old people and corporate staff is on the rise. It doesn’t matter where you live or work; you are at risk of becoming a victim of a violent or intrusive crime. There is no perfect way to defend your self other than to be prepared, which includes appearing confident, having an action plan and having the right tools with which to carry it out. In Franklin Joseph Power To Women Corporate Self Defense Workshop with Psychological Women Empowerment on Warrior Leadership, Stress Resilience and Conflict Management Wellness Training, we include training of Ninja Kubaton also. The positive step of buying a self-defense product like Ninja Kubaton is that, it improves your…

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