Last updated on March 11th, 2022 at 10:30 am
I have read many many articles of Women Self Defense. It’s so interesting what martial artist are selling now-a-days in the name of Women Self Defense. Pardon my french, Bullshit! Let me share some thoughts. I truly feel women especially need to be educated and smart enough to see what is best self defense system out there that will ACTUALLY prevent, avoid, defend and escape you from harms way just because they cannot match the strength, size and fitness level of the male attacker.
[ Krav Maga Bangalore Israeli Self Defense ] |
[ Power to Women Safety Empowerment Workshops ] |
[ Franklin Joseph Blog Article ] |
Part 3:Franklin Joseph: “Beware of the junk being taught in name Women Self Defense” |
Talk to the instructor and students especially any women practitioner
- Take a trial session. See if its too easy for you or tough for you. If it’s too easy, ask a lot of questions especially from the criminal point of view.
- See what kind of answer, the instructor is answering.
- Is he patient with you or getting angry due to your questions? Does his / her answer satisfy you?
- Avoid taking the answer in face value, see if the answer or tactics actually work for you, your age, your body, your mindset etc.
Pleasure of Studio Fighting
- Lot of Self Defense program will show studio fighting, let me explain, where the guy will punch or grab you and he will stand allowing you to do the trick or tactics. NO body on the street will allow you to do your tricks.
- They will not expose the various violent, scary part of actual street violence to you as it usually scares the clients pay cheque away.
- They will not prepare you in these realistic way of training as they are scared you cannot handle it or you will not like the bruises it will leave or the fear factor it will bring.
- Real life self defense has to deal with psychological preparation on how to handle the stress or fighting multiple opponents, how to deal with fear, how to deal with pain etc.
Lured by Easy Tricks or Choreographed Moves
- Lot of the demo classes will show women or men doing fancy stuff which will make you feel I can also do this, its so easy.
- Ask yourself under the heat of the struggle, will you remember all of these complicated moves
- Do you have the time, money and passion to invest years to learn this,
- Does your body size, shape and fitness level actually helps or causes roadblock to these tactics,
- Will you remember all of the moves in that split second etc. If they tell you its easy, remember nothing comes easy in life.
- Follow your common sense, do not get caught up in jargon or what choreographed demo you will see. Take a trail class an experience it for yourself. Ask harsh questions to your teacher. Poke poke poke till you find your right class.
Simple Tricks or Hard work?
- Lot of women I have worked with, are only looking for tricks of martial arts to learn, a easy to learn fast track way to get out of trouble.
- Remember, even cooking food is hard work, it’s messy, tiring and sometimes bruises, burns and cuts are part of the process yet it gives you ultimate satisfaction in the end.
- Same way, learning self defense is hard work, its messy, tiring, challenging and sometimes bruises and cuts are part of the process of learning.
[ Krav Maga Bangalore Israeli Self Defense ] |
[ Power to Women Safety Empowerment Workshops ] |
[ Franklin Joseph Blog Article ] |
Part 3:Franklin Joseph: “Beware of the junk being taught in name Women Self Defense” |